Buddha, meditating on the Chicago lakefront trail
Went To Go Tell Someone

Buddha, meditating on the Chicago lakefront trail
Two ladies having a grand old time, navigating a rain slicked street on a bicycle built for one.
The print of this image is damaged.
Flickr has so far refused to send me a new one. I may display it anyway.
London, England.
Another shot of the Franklin Avenue bridge over the Chicago River, taken a few years earlier, and on the west side instead of the east. Blue and red was the trigger.
Rain falling, crossing the Chicago River
A minor traffic dispute in the Loop, Chicago. No guns were involved, just a few heated words.
Dundas St W, Toronto in a light rain
333 N Wacker, looking down at the Chicago River
Snow falling, West Loop
Millennium Park, of course. There can never be enough Cloud Gate photos, right?
(more details about the sculpture en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloud_Gate)
Cloud Gate by Anish Kapoor has been the subject of ten million photographs, or more, even though initially the Park District tried to restrict photographic reproduction.
Staring at the highway from a nearby high-rise is hypnotic, especially when snow provides contrast to the car lights.
River North, Chicago, IL
Aspen Creek Photo received this image February 10th, and still has not printed it, nor sent it to Spellerberg Projects. Maybe it will show up, or not.Zen…It showed up March 22nd.
Bridge over the Chicago River is untroubled
Is there a better smell? Maybe. Probably.
But certainly September rain is among the most evocative of smells. Right?
Can’t you imagine it right now?
Train yard, West Loop, with a little snow